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Amazing Planets You Will Find In The Universe

The earth is a beautiful planet to live in. There is enough food provided by nature to sustain the people, air to breathe, water to drink, and land to stay by and travel. We are lucky to be living in this habitable place in the universe. Did you know that the universe is full of other planets? Over the years, scientist and space experts have been trying to explore the universe of its mysteries. Man is a curious being. What are other amazing things out there? 

The planets on this list will surely pique your interest.

J1407 B-


At 400 light-years away from planet Earth, the rings of this planet are 200 times the size of Saturn’s rings. Scientists do not understand how this planet could have acquired rings so large that if it were as large as the rings of Saturn, they would take over the earth’s sky and look larger than the full moon.

Gliese 436B-

This planet challenges the things you were sure you knew about in chemistry due to its burning ice feature. Gliese 436 B is a great ball of ice with a temperature of 439 degrees Celsius. How does this happen? Scientists think that what makes this possible is the planet’s gravity which is so strong the melted ice water is being pulled towards its core. The gravity compresses it to form a firm solid that cannot melt even when burnt. 

Gliese 581c-

The scientific community includes this planet among the top three planets they deem habitable based on earth’s standards. What makes it very different from our earth is the orbit. It has a red dwarf star that gives the sky a crimson feature. And since it does not rotate on its axis, the planet is in constant relationship with a particular side. The first side facing the red dwarf star is so hot that it would melt you alive. The second side facing opposite the dwarf star is the moon, so cold that it would freeze you instantly. The third side is the habitable zone between the two sides with enough heat and cold. Scientists have already sent a message, and it is expected to reach the planet by 2029.

Tres 2B-

This as a dark, ominous planet located 750 light years away from our Milky Way. It is officially the darkest planet in the universe so far because it only reflects 1% of the light that hits it.  Its menacing dark surface can be explained by the planet’s  light-absorbent gasses. Scientists are still puzzled by its color but it glows molten red like a burning orb due. The surface temperature of the planet is 1,100 degree Celsius. 

55 Cancri E-

planet 2

This planet is the total opposite of TRES 2B. It is, in fact, luminous and sparkles like a jewel in the universe. Very reasonable because it is two times the size of earth and a big part of it is made up of a diamond. The planet is 40 light-years away from the earth. Say, you could travel this far and take a small part of the planet’s diamonds, the jewel would eventually be worthless because of its overwhelming amount. It is valued 26.9 nonillion dollars.

HD 189773 b-

This planet consistently rains glass sideways. HD 189773 b’s atmosphere is full of silicon particles that give the planet a blue color. Due to the extreme temperatures on this planet, the silicon in its atmosphere condenses to form glass, which flies all over the planet at a speed of 4000 kilometers per hour.

Wasp 12b-

Wasp 12b- is slowly being eaten alive by its host star. It is in an orbit that is too close to its star, so the entire planet is heated up to an incredibly high temperature. The planet is about the size of Jupiter, but it appears to be bigger due to the molten rocks and the fact that its host star is pulling it, causing the planet to balloon out. Wasp 12b- loses over 6 billion metric tons of mass per second. In fact, it is being torn apart so quickly that it is no longer spherical but an oblong, egg-shaped.

The universe is vast, and so is man’s undying exploration of the outer space. There is still so much to know, and so many other planets to be discovered.

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