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3 Surefire Tips on How to Fix a Bad Client Relationship

The customer is always right” Marshall Field

You must have heard this quote at one time or another. In fact, it has become the golden rule for almost every business in this world. That’s why most businesses trying their utmost to deliver a high-quality customer service to all clients. If customers are happy and satisfied, they will keep coming back. Customers’ 5-star reviews and compliments serve lifelines in building business’ trust, credibility, and integrity.

However, keeping clients satisfied is easier said than done. We cannot deny that no matter how hard we try, we’re imperfect. Unforeseen situations come and leave customers with a bad impression about a particular business. Sometimes, we fail to deliver the output that our customers expect. These bad impressions often make us feel humiliated, and our natural reaction is to end any transactions with that particular client.

Here’s  how to fix a bad client relationship and transform them into your satisfied, loyal clients!

Praise and criticism seem to me to operate exactly on the same level. If you get a great review, it’s really thrilling for about ten minutes. If you get a bad review, it’s really crushing for ten minutes. Either way, you go on.Ann Patchett

Recognize the Issue


The culprit behind an unsatisfied or bad review or complaint is a problem. It is important to trace the root cause of the bad client relationship as it will guide you on what steps to take next.

For example, if a customer didn’t receive the product he or she expected, ask your courier what happened to the products you shipped. If not, it may be that there’s a problem in the packaging and your staff failed to ship the products on time. Whatever it is, try to troubleshoot to identify and isolate the problem. The moment you recognize the problem, you can then take the necessary steps to correct it.

Arman pro/Shutterstock

Don’t Let Your Ego Stand in The Way to Apologize

Whenever you receive a negative review or criticism, your immediate natural reaction would be to be defensive. Of course, someone is threatening to ruin your image, so it would be natural to stand up and defend yourself. However, you must not hold on to your ego long enough to ignore your customers. Remember the golden rule above? Yes. The customer is always right. You’re in a business, and your mission is to give a great customer service

It is important to apologize. Even if you felt like they’re wrong, apologize anyway. This will show that you’re genuine and humble enough to recognize your mistakes and you’re willing to correct it.  Also, don’t forget to thank them. If it weren’t for their negative reviews, you wouldn’t be able to realize the flaws you have in your current business model.

Respond in a polite and timely manner

Phil Date/Shutterstock

Whenever you receive a negative review, your customer is genuinely unhappy. Therefore, don’t try to level their rage with your own, as it’ll only aggravate things. What you need to do, instead, is to respond to them in a polite, kind, and calm way. When they’re calm, they’re most likely willing to coordinate with you in solving the problem at hand.

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