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Are These the Most Cringe-Worthy Live News TV Moments Ever? You Decide!

Gatorade Showers and Collateral Damage

Victory celebrations in professional sports can sometimes turn into an unexpected splash zone, and Fox Sports reporter Kate Longworth found this out the hard way. In 2018, the Arizona Diamondbacks clinched a win against the Los Angeles Angels, setting off jubilant celebrations.

As the excitement spilled onto the field, Kate was in the midst of interviewing Diamondbacks star A.J. Pollock when she unexpectedly became part of the celebration herself. She was drenched in a Gatorade shower meant for A.J., courtesy of his exuberant teammates. The Diamondbacks later extended a playful apology to Kate, complete with a GIF capturing her moment as “Collateral Damage” in the post-match festivities.

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