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Fotos inusuales que no pueden ser explicadas por la ciencia

Being surrounded by so many unusual things means that most of us have had a moment or two where we’ve had to do a double take. Have we really seen what we think we have seen, or are our eyes playing tricks on us?

Sometimes things are so unbelievable that we have to take a photo to prove to others that we are telling the truth. However, that is not always enough to explain what is happening at the time. We begin to think that perhaps it is better not to ask questions.


there to heal

A woman appears to be completely lost in thought at church. Someone saw the lady and decided to take a photo. It wasn’t until the photo was revealed that they saw a strange figure lurking behind the woman.

Both the woman and the photographer believed they were alone. However, the priest had some news. They said that he was actually the ghost of a healer who is known to haunt the church and help those in need.

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