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Think You Know Celebrities? Their Heights and Weights Might Surprise You!

Selena Gomez – 125 Lbs – 5′ 5”

Selena Gomez radiates at 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs approximately 125 pounds. She entered the scene as a child star in “Barney & Friends” and her breakthrough role as Alex Russo in Disney’s “Wizards of Waverly Place.” Her seamless transition to a pop sensation came with hits like “Come & Get It” and albums such as “Revival.”

Selena is also celebrated for her advocacy in wellness health, launching the Rare Impact Fund in 2020. Her wellness mantra emphasizes self-care and mental health awareness, making her a beacon of resilience and authenticity in Hollywood. Her makeup line, Rare Beauty, pledges to raise $100 million for wellness services.

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